Saturday, April 23, 2011

Synaesthesia! Please read instructions below:

Compose a couple (2) of cool images about rainfall or anything connected to rain using synaesthesia. After each example, state the two senses you mixed, and show whereyou used them (briefly please). Thank you!

Post is due by 7:30 Monday evening.


  1. 1) The trumpet blue rainfall soothed me as I laid in bed trying to fall asleep.
    In this synaesthesia I mixed color and sound. This would be sight and sound. The sound would be the trumpet and the sight would be blue.

    2)The clear wet rain ran down my check as I stood outside kissing my boyfriend goodbye.
    In this synaesthesia I mixed sight and touch. The sight would be the clear rain and the touch would be wet.

  2. 1. The cold clear rain on the concrete splashed up against my wet legs as I jumped around in the puddles.
    In this synaesthesia I mixed color and touch. Color being clear and touch being cold.

    2. The gray-black puffy clouds hovered over the baseball game with negative hopes of continuing the play.
    In this synaethesia I used a mix of color gray-black, and sight of puffy.

  3. 1)The heavy raindrops whispered my name while I shed my tears last night.

    This first Synaethesia I'm comparing the touch which is the heavy with and sound which is the way the raindrops whispered my name.

    2)The grey sky made way for the stomping of the rain.

    In this synaethesia i used the color grey and the sound stompin makes to explain rain.

  4. Alex Cruzado
    1. The heavens rained drops while i kissed my grandma goodbye for the last time.
    I first compared the rain drops with my sorrow
    2. The heavy black sky rained down onto my naked legs.
    I used heave and the sound of rain falling onto my bare legs.

  5. The salty clear droplets of rain wet my face as I walked home.
    I mixed together a taste and a color to create a synaesthesia. The taste is the salty and the color is clear.

    The gentle perfume of rain exuded on the flower petals in spring.
    I mixed together touch and smell to create a synaethesia. Gentle is used for the touch and perfume is used for the smell.

  6. 1. The dark grey clouds formed rain drops that fell from the clouds to the ground my rain boots gracefully touched to walk on.
    I used color and touch by the dark grey clouds for color and the ground my rain boots gracefully touched to walk on for touch.

    2. As I weeped outside in my backyard, I wiped the cold rain drops off my face that mixed with my black tears.
    I used color and touch in a different way by the black tears for color and wiping the cold rain drops off my face that were mixed with my tears for touch.

  7. 1. The smooth raindrop delectably caressed my skin as it patiently trailed down the steep decline of my nose.
    -In this synesthesia I mixed taste and touch. The word delectable refers to something pleasing to the taste, whereas the word caress refers to a way of touching or stroking something.

    2. I sat alone in bed listening to the orotund tapping of the rain on my rooftop.
    -In this synesthesia I mixed sound and touch. The word orotund refers to a full, strong sound, and the word tapping refers to the touch.

  8. 1. The golf ball-sized hail hit the roof of my car like a bass drum.
    I used sight and sound, the sight being the golf ball sized hail, and the sound being the noise of the hail banging on the roof of the car.

    2. The lightening looked like a bright white birch tree coming out of the clouds and the smell of the fresh rain filled my nose.
    I used sight and smell, with the sight being the lightening and the smell being the rain.

  9. 1. The warm rain fell across the sun and created a kaleidoscope of color in the sky.
    I mixed together touch and sight. The warm sun refers to the touch and the kaleidoscope of color is the sight.

    2. The quiet rain was maximized when it hit the green flesh of a tree frog.
    I mixed sound and sight. The quiet rain for the sound and the green tree frog for sight.

  10. 1. The sweet smell of rain invaded my nose as the swirl of dark grey clouds rolled in.
    I mixed the smell of rain and the swirling dark grey clouds for sight.

    2. The cold and wet crystal clear raindrops pour out of the sky as I run to my car.
    I mixed the sense of touch and sight. The cold and wet part for touch and crystal clear for sight.

  11. 1)The sweet light rain drops brushed against my face as I laid my head back and let the rain pour in my mouth
    I described rain as tasting sweet and feeling light against my face.
    2)As the storm brewed on, the dark rain beat against my window with anger.
    I described my rain as being dark for the sight image and the sound of beating against a window. Also I gave the rain a human characteristic of personification for anger.

  12. 1. The pungent clatter of the rain kept me awake as I lay in bed thinking of that awful fight.
    I mixed taste (pungent) with sound (clatter) in this synaesthesia.

    2. The sweet, velvety, echoing rain danced around me as I stood there, beautifully soaked, reveling in my happiness.
    I mixed taste (sweet), touch (velvety), sound (echoing), and sight (danced around) in this synaesthesia.

  13. 1) The cold wet beads of rain pierced the clouds as i was watching the drops bouncing off the floor.
    In this i mixed touch, cold and wet, and sight, bouncing.

    2) As the ground consumed the filling and bitter rain, i could hear the rain lighten up.
    In this i mixed taste, bitter, and sound, lighten up.

  14. 1. The reflection of my naive baby rattle aura was noticeable in the transparent wet puddles that fell from the sky.
    - I mixed baby rattle(sound) and wet puddles(touch) in this synaesthesia.

    2.Once the tornado passed, my feelings were still present in the thunderstorms destructive painful path as well as the electric shock of the wet, sour and shivering flash flood.
    -I mixed touch(electric shock & wet & shivering) and taste( sour) in this synaesthesia.

  15. Steph
    1. The thunder roared as the cold rain started to fall on my face.
    I mixed sound(roared) and touch (cold) in this synaesthesia.

    2. As I ran to my house I tripped and felt the damp water drench my clothes as my body grew frigid.
    I mixed touch (damp) and feeling (frigid) in thiss synaesthesia.

  16. 1. the paper crackled as the bitter rain fell on it
    crackled- sound, bitter rain- taste
    2. the humid air made way for a serene rain
    humid- touch, serene- sound

  17. Massive blankets of dropplets click my windshield as I drive. -Massive blankets describes what I see and click describes what I hear.

    The reflective leveling of water swamped my shoe with ungrateful moistness after the rainfall. Reflective leveling-sight is mixed with ungrateful moistness-touch

  18. 1. Sharp pellets of crystal rain fell upon the glass
    (touch - sharp and sight - crystal)
    2. Cool Turqoise water crashed into the earth releasing the bouquet of Springs pastel flowers (sight - turquoise and smell = bouquet of flowers)

  19. We are way past time, so have a good night everyone.

  20. 1. the earthy rain whispered against my ear as i kissed him goodnight.
    I used touch and smell.
    2. lenghty teal rain pellets touched mt cheek as i walked down the asile.
    I used touch and sight
