Sunday, April 3, 2011

Select a verbal image of your choice and follow these instructions:

Take an image that is cliche, that we've heard repeatedly or that is used commonly since our language is full of dead metaphors that we don't even notice anymore, and revise the image to make it new, full of wonder, brimming over with energy, and popping with zest! Here is a visual image of the Last Supper that does just what I am asking. It is by the artist Ron English:

You will be defamiliarizing something overused or common in language. Write down the common phrase, and then write your refreshed zinging version. Please be sure to use concrete language that appeals to the five senses. Thank you.



  1. I am defamiliarizing the saying "Like a Bull in a China Shop".
    Your like Chris Brown's fist to Rihanna's face. So here's your restraining order, now watch where you're going.

  2. The saying i am defamiliarizing is, "You are what you eat."

    A chubby, cicular, low to the ground 4ft 8inch man loves to eat his beefy meatballs, as he rolls along the plate sidewalk.

  3. I am defamiliarizing the saying, "Don't pull my leg."

    You're not Pinocchio, so get your nose out of my eye and tell the truth!

  4. The cliche i am defamiliarizing is "As pretty as a picture"

    A face with perfectly proportioned features and a glowing airbrushed skin tone and porcelain smiles. The sun setting in the background over a beach setting in Hawaii.

  5. The saying "Home sweet home"

    Finally back to my big, comfortable executives chair in the man cave.

  6. "The apple does not fall far from the tree."

    A tree nervously crackles in the blowing wind.
    Just like its parent, the apple anxiously crackles inside the protection of a sweet, cinnamon sauce and a buttery pie crust when the violent, hot winds of a convection oven repeatedly waft on it.

  7. The calm before the storm

    The moment in which the hopeful student nerve-rackingly awaits the exam scores determining success or defeat.

  8. Laughing all the way to the bank

    The banker’s hands are tightened clasping dirty green papers we value most in our lives. He smiles with a deviant smirk as he denies a family a loan for a home to call their own.

  9. "The grass is always greener on the other side"

    You feel gray, and blue...all shades of color but happy. Your veins pump with envy, and you are bitter like a day old lemon. But don't worry, theres always tomorrow.

  10. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

    The round red ball full of juicy life brings you hope and longing, keeping away from cold bitterness of bad news, and staying away from the bright luminous light at the end of the tunnel that brightness blinds your sensitive corneas.

  11. "The early bird gets the worm"

    BUZZ BUZZ! The one who lets their electronic devices disturb and awaken them from their "essential" overslept dream, to fullfill a reality of underlooked possibilities.

  12. Have a good night everyone. We will meet tomorrow filled with inspiration and energy. Right????

  13. "There's more fish in the sea"

    Blue roaring waters full of an abundant amount of luscious humans water for you to attend to cupid's request.

  14. I am defamiliarizing "My love is like a red, red rose.."

    The passion I feel for you is ravenous, greedily digging its thorny roots deeper and deeper into my composted heart; dangerous in its sharpness, sweet in its fragrance, and all the more satisfying when shown to all in all of its crimson glory.

  15. 'theres bigger fish to fry"

    The high school student who pours their heart and soul across a page expressing their love of the ocean and how the sky and water mix together off in the far distance. The teacher only gave this work a B, but the student wasn't let down, it was his own beautiful work that satisfied him. Who knew his poem would become published and one of the best known works.

  16. bigger fish to fry by meghan dannenberg

  17. All bent out of shape

    The way that I chased you made me go through a maze that never ended deforming my heart into something out of a broken glass.

  18. "I'm hammered"

    Stumbling and mumbling incoherently, as I guzzle as much of this poisonous substance down my throat in an attempt to spark my interest in your disgusting friend, so i can stand the sight of her bare body.

  19. Alex Cruzado

    " The grass in greener on the other side "

    Blades cut open your toes, keep walking until the cold wind blows and the earth opens up like the soft peddle of a rose.

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  21. "Money makes the world go round"

    The pocket sized rectangular object in the category of faded yen ,chromatic pesos, leafy dollars and kaleidoscopic euro make this circular planet spin on it's axis.
