Saturday, April 16, 2011

Due Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Share some images that appeal to the five senses and at least one simile or metaphor that you wrote as a result of looking closely at one of the photographs from the Graduating Seniors' Photography Show in Higgins Annex. List your images first, then please tell us the title of the photograph and the name of the photographer these images come from.

Finally, please explain the ways in which one art form can inspire another art form?
What is the relationship between looking closely at things and being inventive (i.e.coming up with original and defamiliarizing ways of saying things)?
Explain the difference between what your assignment asked you to do and copying or stealing another person's images please?

I look forward to reading your posts. For full credit you must address all that I asked.


  1. Defamiliarizing:
    -These rainbow roses are pressed against me and all I see is heaven.
    -Within his 11 month old laugh I hear my life's purpose.

    "Alice in the Rabbits house" By Tiffany Raccio
    Simile & Metaphor
    -The hare's space is like a bubble waiting to be popped.
    -Imprisonment of my life is where I stand.
    -She is a nail in the compressed wood.

    One art from inspires the other because they can both convey the eachother.Like the painting at Higgins can inspire a thought or a feeling that would lead to my own words. Also if I write something like a sonnet of just a few simple lines can imspire a artist to create their form of art. Both can describe your voice and what is trying to be said without literally being said.The difference between looking at something closely and being inventive I think is the time that you have to look at a image and try to feel what the is being depicted. You also can have tome to be inventive but to look at something more tangible like an image can spark any form of idea,feeling or invoke your senses. When taking someone's work it is absolutely wrong and secondly there's no originality to your work. You aren't able to take your own thoughts and describe them.If you steal images or ideas of others it's really ignorant because as much time as you take to steal the work you could have made your own unique work of art.

  2. Image:
    The wicker nestled the boy’s body as he played in the laundry basket.
    The comb held the boy’s hair as the scissors sliced through his soft curls leaving a fresh cut lawn of hair.
    The aroma of family dinner filled the noses of those who attended.

    The natural way a child holds a toy gun is as normal as the way they hold a pencil to write their own name.

    I don’t know the name of the artwork or photographer. When I went to gallery all the pictures were on the floor and none had any names. The artwork that I chose was a set of photographs taken of a boy. Some of the pictures showed him cooking with his mother, a family dinner, a haircut, and him playing in a wicker laundry basket. Another set of photographs showed the boy holding a toy gun and sitting in his classroom with a picture that he had drawn. The picture was titled “American the Beautiful” where a blue sky and sun shown down on bombs going off everywhere and people dying.

    One art form can inspire another art form by giving the viewer a feeling of motivation. The form of art can cause a movement of feeling that becomes so overwhelming that it must be expressed in some way. The relationship between looking closely at things and being inventive is that when you look closely at things it can inspire something within yourself. Therefore, you create something so great and personal to you. Our assignment asked us to make our own images based on someone else’s work. The photographer provided the images to us and it was our job to provide the words to go along with the images. The words we use with the provided images tell what we feel, see, and inspired us which may differ from what the original photographer saw.

  3. Images related to the senses:
    1. The daydreaming and imagination of childhood.
    2. The summer time and warmth.
    3. I see myself as a little girl, happily helping my mom plant the new flowers.
    4. It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, a young girl in a field of flowers, symbolizing hope.

    The field of flowers is comfortable bed where I lay and daydream.

    The title of the picture is "Youth/Innocence" by Alissa Degregorio. I chose this picture because it shows a little girl having no care in the world and enjoying the simple things in life. She is sitting in a field of sunflowers with butterflies flying above wearing a summer dress. I related to this picture because I am and will always be a little kid at heart, who loves to just use my imagination, and daydream on a nice day.

    One art form, like this painting, can inspire another art form. My choice of art is dance. This painting brings out the feelings I have had to hold in from my childhood. By dancing it allows me to express myself without being mocked or simply considered to be acting like an innocent child. Or some people would be able to look at this picture and write about what they feel and what images come to their mind as they see this little girl sitting in the field of sunflowers. The relationship between looking closely at things and being inventive is that looking closely at something allows you to reinvent it to how you see it. Someone can look closely at this picture and may see loneliness, something completely different from what the artist was trying to portray. I think taking someones images isn't wrong if you site it, but it may not answer the question the person is looking for. If someone asks you to find what you feel, and what images you see and sense, then stealing someone else's wouldn't be yours and it would just be a lie.

  4. Defamiliarization-
    1.These monoliths sit in our hands, in our pockets, in our desk. Smooth and black, they could convince one they are the result of a divine experiment and not from thousands of years of what is light and rigid. Who serves who?

    2. The odor of metal strings on my fingers is like an unkind grin, opening and closing while releasing the words "Few get out alive."

    "Untitled Bear #1" by Alison Targett-Eaglin
    1. What was once a friend is to be a manifestation of years of work.

    2. He was like a reminder of the early days when I had nothing to prove.

    One art form can and will inspire another by stirring feelings within the audience. I have seen photographs or paintings with one simple aspect that maybe meant nothing to the creator, be it one color, the shading, time of day, simplicity or complexity, that was just enough to make me stop and look, and need to know more. It will light a fuse in my that I can hopefully keep lit as I begin the terrible and beautiful process of song writing.

    Looking closely at something is only asking you to make note of something that is already there, something that has been made. To defamiliarize is to invent, and this is the result of using all other knowledge you have collected in your life, to make meaning out of what is before you, as if you are the first to ever see it.

    For this assignment, we were asked to extract our own meaning from something that someone else has put to paper or canvas- what we leave with could be completely different that what the artist or another person left with.

  5. Time is up on this post. Thank you for your insights. I enjoyed them. I appreciate those of you who went the extra mile to go to the exhibit and think about this important question. Inspiration is always available to us if we wish to be open to it. There are times when we need to seek it out. Also, collaboration between and among artists is also very powerful.
    Goodnight, poets!
