Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Your Reading & Blogging Assignment for Tuesday, February 22nd

Reading Assignments

1. Please follow this link and read the information under the heading BIO and under the heading POEMS. You are responsible for all the vocabulary in whatever you are assigned to read. If you are not quizzed on the material, it may show up on your examination.
Here is the link:

2. Read the poem Ms.Alexander wrote for President Obama's innauguration.
Make sure you print out the poem and take notes about it, so you can discuss it in class. Look up any words you cannot translate and/or do not comprehend.

3. Finally, watch the following interview with Elizabeth Alexander:
Watch all four clips; they are about three minutes each.


Your Blogging Assignment will be put up on this site by Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m.

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