Saturday, March 12, 2011


Select one of the following prompts and do your very best to write your response outside of the box!

1. Defamiliarize the description of stars in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, in which stars are described as "diamonds in the sky." How can you make me see stars in a totally new and shocking way, as if for the first time? Make me see stars like I have never seen them before. Make me interested in them and in awe of them by your describing them concretely in a defamiliarizing fashion.

2. Invent a new way to say "good night," "good morning," "thank you," or "you're welcome."
Out of all these conventional expressions, the last one, "you're welcome," was one I have never understood. After I say thank you to someone for a gift, and the person answers me with the words "you're welcome," I have no clue exactly what I am welcome to do. Do you know?????
I would really enjoy an alternative expression for that one if someone has one.

3. Invent a prompt of your own. Write it out and respond to it. You could defamiliarize anything from the phrase "I love you more than life itself," or "My love is higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the sea" (any cliche needs defamliarization), to any object we don't see anymore because we see it all the time, like the stone walkway between buildings at WCSU; just let me know what you are defamliarizing.

I really look forward to these posts!!!!


  1. 1- instead of describing the stars as "diamonds in the sky" the stars can be defamiliarized as a "wave of tens of thousands of Lynryd Skynyrd concert goers raising their lighters in the air for an encore of Free Bird before they take their drunken selves home"

  2. Steph
    1- to describe the stars other than "diamonds in the sky" you can say the stars are defamiliarized as "thousands of Lite candles representing the souls of loved ones taken throughout lifes course"

  3. Alex Cruzado
    1. The brights of the miniature explosions seen from the planet earth, From millions of years ago, Each tell a story of what they have seen,
    Shinning down upon us, Coming back every night brightening our dull world.

  4. Question 1

    To describe stars other than being "diamonds in the sky" i would say "Stars are the shimmering details of an Armani dress being worn by the night sky until dusk arrives where it is slipped off and the skin of the sun is shown."

  5. 1. Rather than describing stars as "diamonds in the sky", I would describe them as the sterling silver, diamond stud earrings, that every woman desires from their significant other. As if the stars in the night sky are shiny rocks that portray as a simple piece of jewelry that a woman yearns for.

  6. 1. Instead of describing stars as "Diamonds in the sky" I would describe them as the twinkling reflection of the morning dew fading eagerly into the day, until the new night comes when the shine glistens once again.

  7. 2. Instead of "You're welcome", perhaps you could respond with "recall and repeat", perhaps to make someone pay it forward. They will consider your service and maybe and repeat it by assisting someone else, perhaps.

  8. 1. Instead of it being "diamonds in the sky," stars could be described as the, "sparkle in your lover's eye." The eye would be the physical object that sparkles. It happens to be sparkling from an emotion but the object has a deep emotional sparkle that only your significant other can feel. Although others can sense when that sparkle exists between two people.

  9. Question 1

    I would change "diamonds in the sky" to fireflies in the sky. They are bright and very little and you would not be able to determine between the fireflies and the stars.

  10. 2. Instead of saying good morning, one could say fresh start. This would be better then saying good morning because ever day is a new start or a new beginning and can be better than the day before. Fresh start sounds more optimistic and joyful.

  11. 1. Wishes of white sprinkling the dark blanket with may's and might's and tucking in our dreams tonight

  12. 1. A bright, distant light gleaming through the punctured holes of the black lid on top of a floating rock, nightfalls abyss.

  13. 1. Instead of comparing the stars to diamonds i see the stars as ice crystals in the sky wandering above us and waiting to be starred at and to be wished upon. These new stars resemble hope, safety and most of all "life".

  14. 2. Instead of saying good night, one can replace that phrase with fall into your pillow and drift toward the world on the unknown.

  15. 3. Defamiliarize the hardwood floors we walk on.

    Hardwood floors are time logs. They are polished planks of frozen time, locked away in the slivered rings of a tree that is no longer able to reach out and tell its once interesting story. It is forever imprisoned, stationary in a time capsule that will never be opened, where dirty, taunting feet constantly pound.

  16. 3. The statement "I love you" is just so conventional and boring. Defamliarizating "I love you"
    My lips are yearning for yours, awaiting the voice of your soul.

  17. 1. Rather than describing stars as "diamonds in the sky" I would describe them as...The countless sins we've committed that follow us bursting bright with anger. The black of the night disguises us all, but the white light never fails to shine upon us...revealing the truth.

  18. Question 3

    Defamiliarize a window

    Windows are gateways into another world. They lock us in our own world, unable to get out. Once the window opens, the opportunity to escape is given. A picture frame into a fantasy world, different for every set of eyes.

  19. Question #2

    good morning could be said as "new beginning" to a new day
    good night could be said as "old memories" to a day in the past
    thank you could be said as "greatly appreciated"
    you're welcome could be said as "you're blessed"

    Question #1.

    The bullets shot through the air to reach the goal of the police officer.

  20. It is way beyond time for these posts.

    I look forward to having class with you tomorrow.


  21. " "I love you more than life itself"...

    I rather feel the warmth of a oak coffin than not to be able to reside near your soul.
