Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A six minute video that captures someone's identity with language and images

Though this multimedia film is not a poem, it is a poetic way of capturing an artist's life calling. I want you to look at the images, paradoxes, metaphors selected to characterize an artist's personal and professional life in six minutes. When you create your multimedia projects, remember to find just the right picture in language and in visual form for each idea and feeling you wish to express; be sure to use your five senses and to appeal to your readers'/viewers' auditory, gustatory, visual, tactile, and olfactory senses. You do NOT want to tell your audience what to feel; instead the goal of your project is to bring up physical feelings in the viewer/reader by using your voice, your images, and your language to do so. Bring your reader to the place you want him/her to be; let him/her feel what it is like to be there by taking him/her there in language, voice, and pictures. Once you conjure these physical sensations in your viewer, the emotions are certain to follow.

The Life and Times of the Noisy Plume from Hemet Productions on Vimeo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Select one of the following prompts and do your very best to write your response outside of the box!

1. Defamiliarize the description of stars in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, in which stars are described as "diamonds in the sky." How can you make me see stars in a totally new and shocking way, as if for the first time? Make me see stars like I have never seen them before. Make me interested in them and in awe of them by your describing them concretely in a defamiliarizing fashion.

2. Invent a new way to say "good night," "good morning," "thank you," or "you're welcome."
Out of all these conventional expressions, the last one, "you're welcome," was one I have never understood. After I say thank you to someone for a gift, and the person answers me with the words "you're welcome," I have no clue exactly what I am welcome to do. Do you know?????
I would really enjoy an alternative expression for that one if someone has one.

3. Invent a prompt of your own. Write it out and respond to it. You could defamiliarize anything from the phrase "I love you more than life itself," or "My love is higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the sea" (any cliche needs defamliarization), to any object we don't see anymore because we see it all the time, like the stone walkway between buildings at WCSU; just let me know what you are defamliarizing.

I really look forward to these posts!!!!